
open program



1st OF APRIL (Friday)



09:00Sarcoidosis Phenotypes - implications in the management and prognosis
Dominique Valeyre
09:30How to assess multisystemic involvement in sarcoidosis
Vasileios Kouranos
10:00Lung Function in the diagnosis and monitoring of ILD
Brendan Cooper
10:30Is BAL still a fundamental tool in the ILD diagnosis?
Ulrich Costabel
11:30Potential Mechanisms driving the progressive fibrosis phenotype
Moises Selman
12:00Are we diagnosing Pulmonary Fibrosis Progressing Despite Management (PFPDM-ILD) accurately?
Athol Wells
12:30Can histology help in PFPDM-ILD prediction?
Angeles Montero
13:00PFPDM-ILD management and treatment
Claudia Valenzuela

Rare Diffuse Lung Diseases Corner

14:30IgG4 - Related Disease
Emanuel Della-Torre
15:00Lipoid Pneumonias
Anne Gondouin
Børre Fevang
16:30Imaging in the differential diagnosis of Fibrotic ILD - current concepts
Joseph Jacob
17:00Rheumatoid Arthritis associated ILD and IPF - two sides of the same coin?
Joyce Lee
17:30Sjögren Syndrome - Chest Guidelines
Augustine Lee
18:00A contemporary practical approach to the multidisciplinary management of unclassifi able interstitial lung disease
Christopher Ryerson



2nd OF APRIL (Saturday)



08:30ERS Cryobiopsies Guidelines
Venerino Poletti
09:00The challenge of UIP Histology
Sara Tomassetti
09:30Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis ATS Guidelines
Elisabetta Renzoni
10:00Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Chest Guidelines
Evans Fernández
10:30Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Imaging
Joseph Jacob
11:30Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Phenotypes and their implication on Treatment
Athol Wells
12:00Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis- a challenging diagnosis
Coline van Moorsel
12:30Genetic profi les de of Fibrotic ILD and their implications in the management implications
Maria Molina Molina
13:00The next steps after a decade of antifi brotics
Vincent Cottin